As part of the preparation of mechanization for the new 2020 season, 2 universal mowing arms carried at the front on tractor carriers were delivered to the customer.


Smaller FFA 500 with a reach of 5m on a Steyer 4110 Multi tractor and larger FFA 700 with a reach of 7m on a New Holland T 7.210 tractor.


Both tractors were equipped for the customer's use and modified in the workshops of MTM Tech, s.r.o. by the system of auxiliary reinforcing frame, front clamping plate DIN 76 060 size 3/5, permanently installed hydraulically controlled blocking of front axle suspension, output of 3 pairs of hydraulics and quick coupling of overflow to DIN plate by installation of el. sockets for DIN board etc.


In this way, the tractors were prepared for use by the customer as truly universal carriers for year-round use = powerful, economical, efficient, modern solutions for road maintenance work all year round.


 We believe that both mowers will be a beneficial helper for our customer!



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