The company MTM Tech, s.r.o. delivered the new road side cutter BSL 40/75 to the customer Administration and Maintenance of Roads of the Pardubice Region in March of this year.

The machine is mounted in this particular case on an existing CASE IH CVX 1170 tractor.

It is a powerful machine, able to remove soil deposits on the roadsides even in the length of several kilometers per day!

The machine needs a truck for its work, which pushes the supporting tractor in front of it and on the tipping body of which the milled soil is loaded.

The cutter itself increases the usability and thus the efficiency of its own supporting tractor, which can be used intensively throughout the year (in addition to cutting road sides, this tractor is also used for mowing grass, road milling, material loading and snow plowing while spreading roads).


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